This one is inspired by Romeo And Juliet, where Kyungsoo is the rich character and Chanyeol is his poor romeo.


1) Open GIMP and set the canvas size to 400x500. Drag all the things you need and resize them to proportion. Be careful with the roses, kids, their thorns hurt like bitch XD! Fill the background layer with soft pink [#ffc9eb]

2) Now click on the Eraser Tool and start erasing the unwanted parts. .

3) Adjust the lighting a little. We’re going to need their images to be a little ‘reddish’, so go to ‘COLOR > CURVES’, change the channel to RED and move the curves up a little. And then, create a new layer and make a thin line between the two pictures. Fill the line with pink color, a little darker than the background [#ff8ad4]

Now drag the rose image and enlarge it a little. Place it at the bottom of the poster. Again, use the Eraser Tool to erase the unwanted part. Then set the mode to Hard Light by clicking ‘MODE > HARD LIGHT’.

4) Merge down all the layers together by right-clicking any layer and click ‘FLATTEN IMAGES’. Duplicate the new layer, click ‘COLOR > INVERT’, set the opacity to 50 and set the mode to Grain Extract.

Since we’re working on a romantic-themed poster, we need the colors to be soft. So duplicate the background layer again, then click ‘FILTERS > ARTISTIC > SOFTGLOW’. Set the opacity to 40% and the mode to Addition. And then create a new layer, fill it with soft purple [#e3d1dd], set the opacity with 30% and mode to Hard Light.

5) Create a thick red border around the poster, go to ‘FILTERS > DÉCOR > ADD BORDER’. Set the mode to Grain Merge and opacity to 40%. If you want to touch it up a little, drag the purple texture image, set the mode to Grain Merge. This is optional though. If you find it unnecessary, then it’s fine to skip this fine.

6) Last but not least, add the text, ‘CTRL + S’ or ‘CTRL + E’ to save it and TADAHHHHH~!!! YOU’RE DONE!

Twinkle Winkle

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